Under this plan, on one hand, the beneficiary child is guaranteed to receive a large amount of money on maturity, and on the other hand, in case of death of the premium payer during the term (God forbid), there is a financial security system to fulfill the parents’ dreams by paying a specific scholarship to the child every year.
- Sum insured will be a minimum of Rs 50,000.
- Policy tenure is 10, 15, or 20 years.
- Maturity age of the insured is 70 years (Maximum).
- The mode of payment for premium will be extended.
- The premium payer must be the father but in the absence of the father can also be the educated, earning mother.
- If the premium payer and the child are alive till the maturity of the policy, the sum assured will be paid to the child at the rate of Rs. 20 per thousand per annum as assured profit.
- If the premium payer (God forbid) dies during the insurance period, the premium will be waived for the next period, and till the expiry of the term, an educational scholarship will be given to the child at the rate of 10 tk monthly for every 1000 tk sum insured.
If (God forbid) the child dies during the policy term, the policy can be transferred to the name of another child or the premium payer can run the policy in his own name as term insurance.
If the child dies during the period of the scholarship after the death of the premium payer, the scholarship will cease and the sum assured will be paid to the nominee(s) on behalf of the heirs at the end of the term.
A maximum of 90% of the surrender value on easy terms if insurance is in force after two years of premium payment.
The policy earns surrender value after paying premiums for at least two years.