Message From Chief Executive Officer

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim.
Assalamu Alaikum Wa-rahmatullah.
Welcome to our company website. I wish on behalf of the Board of Directors and members of staff to thank all the shareholders, policyholders, all marketing associates for the tremendous support we have been accorded since our establishment in 2013. We warmly invite all to explore the services we offer and assure you that we are always most grateful to discuss how our products can be utilized in personal financial planning for life events, as well as the choice of various benefit plans available in our company.
Among the fourteen new generations of life Insurance companies, our vision is to be the leading provider of customer service in this industry. Customer service is the prime focus of us. Properly following all the rules and regulations of the Insurance Development and Regulatory Authority (IDRA), We want to connect to thousands of educated people, as a valuable workforce.
We have taken several strides in our journey towards providing complete customized services. We remain committed to our promise of ensuring the best solution for every customer. Each one of you is a valued customer and I thank you for accompanying us on our journey and placing you betters in MILIL over the years. I would like to enforce our commitment to service you in the walk possible.
On behalf of the Management, I express my gratitude and thanks to the honorable chairman, Advisor, and all members of the Board of Directors, Employees, Regulatory authorities, and Valued customers, for their guidance, counseling, and continued support.
I believe we will continue to impress our policyholders and shareholders by achieving our goals in the upcoming years.
SK. Abdur Rashid
Chief Executive Officer (C.C)